4915 77th Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2C 2X4
p: 403-830-1851

Referral Program

I wanted to find a way to say "Thank You" for your business.
There are a lot of web guys out there and I really do appreciate being your "Guy".

Here's how it works:
When you recommend my services to a new client and your recommendation results
in a new or redesigned website, I will give you $50.00.
(either cash or on account towards future work)

Tell your friends / family / colleagues to mention your name and also let me know that your referral may be contacting me. If they turn into a client then you get the money.

You can do this as many times as you want.

The fine print:
  • This is for new clients only. (not yourself)
  • Money will be paid after final payment from the referred party.
  • Referred party's invoice must be $500.00 or more.

Copyright 2025 - WebShadows Design
Calgary - Kelowna - Cranbrook

Phone: 403-830-1851
Email: theguys@webshadows.com
Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions